Add Secure Key

Additional security layer.

To enhance the security and control over who can execute the assigned LitAction granted to your PKP, you have the option to implement a Secure Key. This mechanism is analogous to using an API key, serving as an additional layer of authorization.

Generating the Secure Key

This secure key is generated when running setActions() where you will receive a 32-byte hash key. This key is generated randomly and returned.

Store this key in a secure location, your LitAction will not run without it.

How It Works

  1. Hash Generation: The SHA-256 hash of the Secure Key is computed and permanently associated with the LitAction.

  2. Execution: When you attempt to run the LitAction, you must provide the correct Secure Key as a parameter.

  3. Validation: A function within the LitAction will then compare the SHA-256 hash of the provided key against the original hash stored in theLitAction.

  4. Outcome:

    • Success: If the hashes match, the LitAction will execute.

    • Failure: If the hashes do not match, the LitAction will not execute.

// Pass true after the actions array to create and apply the Secure Key to your LitAction. Retrieve the secureKey value from the returned object array.
const {unsignedTransactionDataObject, litActionCode, secureKey} = await newCircuit.setActions([fetchAction, contractAction], true);

// Pass in the correct secure key to start
await newCircuit.start({publicKey, ipfsCID, authSig, secureKey});

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