No Code Interface

Account abstraction enticing you to abstract away the code too?

Check out a no code implementation of the SDK live here.

(Note that the no-code instance is still in beta mode and uses an experimental PKP backend infrastructure for greater decentralisation, your circuit may be interrupted or reset at anytime).

How it works:

The application architecture consists of:

  • Next.js frontend

    • Collects circuit logic from users.

  • Node backend server

    • Instantiates all circuits for uninterrupted service and continuous webhook and contract event monitoring. An assigned PKP batches and signs all logs, errors and results to the Listener Factory Database Contract.

  • On-chain database

    • Logs are written on-chain with IPFS and stored within the Lit Database contract.

  • Graph Protocol subgraph

    • Real-time data retrieval from the Lit Database Contract to the frontend application.

Last updated